In 1922 the Congregation, which is open to the universality of the Church, sent its first missionary sisters to Swaziland, a small country on the borders of Mozambique and the Republic of South Africa. In the course of time many sisters have succeeded one another and have done “a bit of good,” by bearing witness to the Gospel, to Christ’s merciful love among the Swazi, in different missions. Today they are present in three missions:
Mbabane, the capital of Swaziland. The sisters run a hostel for working women coming from far-off areas.
Hluti is a small, but very important center. Since 1934 our sisters have been running a school complex from kindergarten to high school, which is very popular and appreciated by the government of the nation. Furthermore, they have always made themselves available to render service to the person in their welcome and care in the clinic and in their care of those most in need. They participate in the practice of preventative medicine and in offering human solidarity.
In Hluti there is also a formation house for the young women who are called to serve Christ in their brothers and sisters.
In Piggs’ Peak, a town situated in the north of the country, our sisters, in collaboration with lay women offer a nursing service.
In each of the three missions, the sisters offer a pastoral service in the parish churches. They evangelize and assist sick people in their homes. They offer small acts of charity to many people who knock on their door. They have set up a knitwear and sewing workshops to promote women and to help them to live dignified family-lives.
Kisoga, Uganda
The Mantellate Sisters’ Mission, “Mirembe Maria House” was begun in Kisoga, a very poor village situated at about 80 km from Kampala, in December 2000, in order to meet the local church’s urgent needs.
The sisters dedicate themselves to pastoral service, they collaborate with the parish school, and they take care of the sick in their clinic. They visit the inhabitants of the surrounding villages and since 2006, they have welcomed about ten orphan children in a family structure in order to help them grow as serenely as possible, attending school regularly.
In collaboration with the Servants of Mary, they have promoted projects of “commercial equitable solidarity.”
There is also a house of welcome for young women who wish to discover and experience if they are called to consecrated life.