About Us

About us

The Congregation of the Mantellate Sisters Servants of Mary of Pistoia is a religious family born in Treppio on 6 October 1861.

Sister Filomena Rossi and Sister Giovanna Ferrari, Tertiaries of the Order of the Servants of Mary, were the foundresses, “Called” to Treppio “… to teach the young girls of the village and for the care of the sick …” (Const. 1887)

Today, the sisters live united in the name of the Lord Jesus, they commit themselves to follow Christ and to bear witness to the Gospel, in the humble service of love to their brothers and sisters, constantly inspired by Mary, Mother and Servant of the Lord (cf. Const. 1, 107)


Filomena Rossi and Giovanna Ferrari, Third Order members of the Order of the Servants of Mary, were the Foundresses.

“Called to Treppio”

“to teach young girls of the people and to take care of the sick” (Const 1887).

Today they live

They are reunited in the name of our Lord Jesus, they commit themselves to follow Christ and to bear witness to the Gospel through their humble loving service to their brothers and sisters.

Drawing constant inspiration from Mary, Mother and Servant of the Lord (cf. Const. 1, 107)

  • They are faithful to their original spirit.
  • They are attentive and open to the changing situations of the times.
  • They collaborate in the evangelization of their brothers and sisters and they dedicate themselves to their spiritual, cultural as well as social needs. (cf. Const. 64)

They are present

  • since 1961 in Italy today 25 communities.
  • since 1913 in USA – Illinois today 1 communities
  • since 1922 in Africa – eSwatini (ex Swaziland) today 3 communities
  • since 1955 in Spain today 2 communities
  • since 2000 in Africa – Uganda today 4 community
  • since 2017 in Mexico 2 community

They work

  • in schools
  • in hospitals
  • in parish pastoral activities
  • in the service of hospitality to groups
  • in the assistance to the elderly, the needy, those most in need of human solidarity. Besides, they promote the dignity of women, they protect health and contribute to evangelization in the villages of missionary lands.

They are sent on mission

In union with the Church’s mission, our Congregation responds to the young Churches’ invitations by sending our missionary sisters to Swaziland, Africa (since 1922), to Uganda (2000) and Mexico (since 2017).

The Mantellate Sisters today are available and ready like Mary. They commit themselves “to do a little good” through their humble service of openness to the needs of their time.



“The charism of our Congregation is that of humble service drawing constant inspiration from the Virgin Mary, the handmaid of the Lord. It is lived out in total consecration to God in an apostolic community with the particular aim of “teaching the you...
History of the mantellate sisters

History of the mantellate sisters

Our Congregation, “Mantellate Sisters, Servants of Mary of Pistoia” originated in Treppio in 1861, the foundresses were two Tertiaries of the Order of Servants of Mary: Sister Filomena Rossi and Sister Giovanna Ferrari. They received the habit of the...
Sister Filomena

Sister Filomena

Sister Filomena (Elena) Rossi , was born in Florence on July 11, 1822. Her father was a coachman at the Secretariat of the government of the Grand duchy. She was still a child when her mother died. Her father remarried and he had a number of other children...
Sister Giovanna

Sister Giovanna

Sister Giovanna (Marianna) Ferrari was born in Pratopiano, a hamlet near Sambuca, a small town in the province of Pistoia, on March 22, 1832. Marianna’s mother worked as a spinner; her father probably alternated farm-labor with wood chopping and “charcoal mak...